<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: ThinBASIC Modules > ADODB > ADODB Equates |
ConnectOption equates:
Symbol |
Meaning |
%adConnectUnspecified |
%adAsyncConnect |
ObjectState equates:
Symbol |
Meaning |
%adStateClosed |
The object is closed |
%adStateOpen |
The object is open |
%adStateConnecting |
The object is connecting |
%adStateExecuting |
The object is executing a command |
%adStateFetching |
The rows of the object are being retrieved |
CursorLocation equates:
Symbol |
Meaning |
%adUseNone |
OBSOLETE (appears only for backward compatibility). Does not use cursor services |
%adUseServer |
Default. Uses a server-side cursor |
%adUseClient |
Uses a client-side cursor supplied by a local cursor library. For backward compatibility, the synonym %adUseClientBatch is also supported |
%adUseClientBatch |
CursorTypeEnum equates:
Symbol |
Meaning |
%adOpenUnspecified |
Unspecified type of cursor |
%adOpenForwardOnly |
Default. A forward-only cursor. This improves performance when you need to make only one pass through a Recordset |
%adOpenKeyset |
A keyset cursor. Like a dynamic cursor, except that you can't see records that other users add, although records that other users delete are inaccessible from your Recordset. Data changes by other users are still visible. |
%adOpenDynamic |
A dynamic cursor. Additions, changes, and deletions by other users are visible, and all types of movement through the Recordset are allowed |
%adOpenStatic |
A static cursor. A static copy of a set of records that you can use to find data or generate reports. Additions, changes, or deletions by other users are not visible. |
LockTypeEnum equates:
Symbol |
Meaning |
%adLockUnspecified |
Unspecified type of lock. Clones inherits lock type from the original Recordset. |
%adLockReadOnly |
Default. Read-only records |
%adLockPessimistic |
Pessimistic locking, record by record. The provider lock records immediately after editing |
%adLockOptimistic |
Optimistic locking, record by record. The provider lock records only when calling update |
%adLockBatchOptimistic |
Optimistic batch updates. Required for batch update mode |
CommandTypeEnum equates:
Symbol |
Meaning |
%adCmdUnspecified |
Unspecified type of command |
%adCmdUnknown |
Default. Unknown type of command |
%adCmdText |
Evaluates CommandText as a textual definition of a command or stored procedure call |
%adCmdTable |
Evaluates CommandText as a table name whose columns are returned by an SQL query |
%adCmdStoredProc |
Evaluates CommandText as a stored procedure name |
%adCmdFile |
Evaluates CommandText as the file name of a persistently stored Recordset. Used with Recordset.Open or Requery only. |
%adCmdTableDirect |
Evaluates CommandText as a table name whose columns are all returned. Used with Recordset.Open or Requery only. To use the Seek method, the Recordset must be opened with adCmdTableDirect. |
ExecuteOptionEnum equates:
Symbol |
Meaning |
%adAsyncExecute |
Indicates that the command should execute asynchronously. |
%adAsyncFetch |
Indicates that the remaining rows after the initial quantity specified in the CacheSize property should be retrieved asynchronously |
%adAsyncFetchNonBlocking |
Indicates that the main thread never blocks while retrieving. If the requested row has not been retrieved, the current row automatically moves to the end of the file. |
%adExecuteNoRecords |
Indicates that the command text is a command or stored procedure that does not return rows (for example, a command that only inserts data). If any rows are retrieved, they are discarded and not returned. |
%adExecuteStream |
Indicates that the results of a command execution should be returned as a stream. |
%adExecuteRecord |
Indicates that the CommandText is a command or stored procedure that returns a single row which should be returned as a Record object. |
%adOptionUnspecified |
Indicates that the command is unspecified. |
BookmarkEnum equates:
Symbol |
Meaning |
%adBookmarkCurrent |
Starts at the current record |
%adBookmarkFirst |
Starts at the first record |
%adBookmarkLast |
Starts at the last record |
DataTypeEnum equates:
Symbol |
Meaning |
%adEmpty |
No value |
%adSmallInt |
A 2-byte signed integer. |
%adInteger |
A 4-byte signed integer. |
%adSingle |
A single-precision floating-point value. |
%adDouble |
A double-precision floating-point value. |
%adCurrency |
A currency value |
%adDate |
The number of days since December 30, 1899 + the fraction of a day. |
%adBSTR |
A null-terminated character string. |
%adIDispatch |
A pointer to an IDispatch interface on a COM object. Note: Currently not supported by ADO. |
%adError |
A 32-bit error code |
%adBoolean |
A boolean value. |
%adVariant |
An Automation Variant. Note: Currently not supported by ADO. |
%adIUnknown |
A pointer to an IUnknown interface on a COM object. Note: Currently not supported by ADO. |
%adDecimal |
An exact numeric value with a fixed precision and scale. |
%adTinyInt |
A 1-byte signed integer. |
%adUnsignedTinyInt |
A 1-byte unsigned integer. |
%adUnsignedSmallInt |
A 2-byte unsigned integer. |
%adUnsignedInt |
A 4-byte unsigned integer. |
%adBigInt |
An 8-byte signed integer. |
%adUnsignedBigInt |
An 8-byte unsigned integer. |
%adFileTime |
The number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1,1601 |
%adGUID |
A globally unique identifier (GUID) |
%adBinary |
A binary value. |
%adChar |
A string value. |
%adWChar |
A null-terminated Unicode character string. |
%adNumeric |
An exact numeric value with a fixed precision and scale. |
%adUserDefined |
A user-defined variable. |
%adDBDate |
A date value (yyyymmdd). |
%adDBTime |
A time value (hhmmss). |
%adDBTimeStamp |
A date/time stamp (yyyymmddhhmmss plus a fraction in billionths). |
%adChapter |
A 4-byte chapter value that identifies rows in a child rowset |
%adPropVariant |
An Automation PROPVARIANT. |
%adVarNumeric |
A numeric value (Parameter object only). |
%adVarChar |
A string value (Parameter object only). |
%adLongVarChar |
A long string value. |
%adVarWChar |
A null-terminated Unicode character string. |
%adLongVarWChar |
A long null-terminated Unicode string value. |
%adVarBinary |
A binary value (Parameter object only). |
%adLongVarBinary |
A long binary value. |
%adArray |
A flag value combined with another data type constant. Indicates an array of that other data type. |
PersistFormatEnum equates:
Symbol |
Meaning |
%adPersistADTG |
Saves in a Microsoft Advanced Data TableGram (ADTG) format. |
%adPersistXML |
Saves in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format |
SearchDirectionEnum equates:
Symbol |
Meaning |
%adSearchBackward |
Searches backward from the starting position. Stops at the beginning of the Recordset. If no match, the record pointer is placed at the beginning of the Recordset |
%adSearchForward |
Searches forward from the starting position. Stops at the end of the Recordset. If no match, the record pointer is placed at the end of the Recordset |